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Shopping for one of the best RV water pressure regulators?
Whether your water pressure regulator finally gave out in your RV, or you’re trying to prevent an RV plumbing leak, selecting the best unit can be a daunting task with so many available (and them all looking the same).
Our list of the best products to choose from, as well as considerations to keep in mind while doing so, will make the process much quicker and easier for you.
6 Best RV Water Pressure Regulators
Here’s a sneak peek of the 6 best RV water pressure regulators (full reviews further down the article):
- Camco RV Brass Inline Water Pressure Regulator
- Renator Water Pressure Regulator Valve for RV
- Valterra Brass High Flow Water Regulator
- Camco Adjustable Brass Water Pressure Regulator for RVs
- Valterra Adjustable Water Regulator for RV
- MICTUNING RV Water Pressure Regulator Valve
What is an RV Water Pressure Regulator?
An RV water pressure regulator is not the most exciting or interesting purchasing decision you’ll ever make regarding your rig. That said, its equally as important as your GPS, radiator cap, surge protector, or anything else.
A good RV water pressure regular that does its job, and does it well, will reduce water pressure and protect your RV’s hoses, connectors, and plumbing.
Not only will it keep your water systems clean from elements but will keep it lead-free as well. An RV water pressure regulator can also prolong the lifespan of your RVs equipment and plumbing.
These units will create, or convert, water-flow into a 40 to 60 PSI stream (depending on the age and size of your rig). Fifty PSI is generally considered the sweet spot where RV water pressure is concerned.
Why Do You Need an RV Water Pressure Regulator?
The reason you need a water pressure regulator is so you don’t create a leak in the plumbing pipes or fixtures in your RV. The plumbing in your RV is made to handle water pressures up to about 60 psi. And sometimes the water pressure from the water faucet at your campsite is more than that which can cause the plumbing pipes or fixtures in your RV to leak.
Trying to adjust the valve and guessing what the water pressure is just doesn’t work and if you guess wrong you could over pressurize the plumbing system and cause a leak.
A water pressure regulator allows you to make sure that the pressure of the water entering your RV is set to somewhere between 40 – 50 psi so you don’t blow out your plumbing lines.
Need more proof that you need a water pressure regulator? Take a look at the house you live in. Almost every home across the country has a water pressure regulator. This ensures that the plumbing pipes and fixtures aren’t over-pressurized which will eventually result in a leak.
So water pressure regulators are an absolute necessity at home and in your RV too!
Better water pressure regulators are adjustable and allow you to set the pressure. Inexpensive RV water pressure regulators are not adjustable and they are typically set at 40 psi. They are better than nothing but you can’t adjust these types of pressure regulators.

6 Things to Consider Before Buying an RV Water Pressure Regulator?
Before we move on to the list of individual RV water pressure regulators that we picked out, there are a few important considerations to factor in:
1. Size of Connector
Although most RV water pressure regulators, today are manufactured with a 3/4-inch connection size, that is not always the case. Before picking out a connector for your rig, make sure that you check the manual or old regulator itself for the precise size needed.
Some RV water pressure regulators may come with 1/2-inch threads or even odder sizes than that. However, this won’t typically be the case. IT doesn’t, however, hurt to check first!
2. Gauge
The best RV water pressure regulators come with built-in gauges that let you keep an eye on the PSI level of your RV’s water system. Most gauges have a readout of up to 100 PSI. That said, for the most part, RVs only require about 50 PSI.
There are also RV water pressure regulators without gauges at all. These are sometimes excellent products, but many times end up being replaced anyhow due to not having a gauge. Avoid purchasing a pressure gauge next season by purchasing an RV water pressure regulator with a built-in gauge.
3. Quality of Materials
The name brand normally says a lot about a product. However, sometimes, a great product is produced by a little known manufacturer. That’s why it’s never wise to judge a book by its cover.
Take a look at each RV water pressure regulator that you’re interested in and the quality of materials used in its construction. Does it appear to e high-quality? Do you think it will last a long time?
How about warranties or guarantees? If one or the other isn’t included with your purchases, this may be an indicator that the item is produced with sub-par materials or craftsmanship.
High-grade metals such as bronze and high-duty ABS plastics are a couple of the primary materials used in the best RV water pressure regulators.
4. Ease of Use
The ease with which you can operate or otherwise utilize something is a great indicator of its value. Likewise, if a product is hard for you to understand or operate, the lower its value it is (if it is not beneficial, it is a hindrance).
Take the time to look over the regulators you’re considering purchasing to gauge how hard or easy they will be to use. Ask a store employee or read reviews for first-hand opinions of the products.
5. Type of Regulator
Today there are three main types of RV water pressure regulators in use (I’m sure more exist, these are just the most popular – that we know about).
Here they are:
Standard In-line Barrel Water Pressure Regulator
These types of RV water pressure regulators are among the most popular. This is due to their basic design and inexpensiveness. The main function of the in-line barrel type RV water pressure regulator is to reduce/increase the water pressure in your rig to roughly 40 to 50 PSI.
In-line Barrel High-Flow Water Pressure Regulator
The in-line barrel high-flow water pressure regulator is a suped-up version of the previous version we discussed (the standard in-line barrel)
This one is more expensive than the first discussed type of regulator. While it is not user-adjustable, it is still an excellent option because of its high flow rate. This can lead to a better flow of sink water and shower.
Adjustable Water Pressure Regulator
The third type of RV water pressure regulator is the adjustable sort. This version typically includes a built-in water pressure gauge for actively monitoring water-flow levels throughout your RV.
This is the type we use and we highly recommend you buy an adjustable pressure regulator. This way you have control over the amount of water flow.
As far as costs are concerned, the adjustable water pressure regulator is a bit more expensive than either of the in-line sorts. That said, they are also much more versatile (requiring little more than a screwdriver to make adjustments to your water pressure).
6. Overall Cost
As with most major purchases, the cost is one of the biggest considerations of all. Many times it is the very factor that determines which product we end up with, due to the budget available.
With RV water pressure regulators, the initial cost is pretty much it. There is little to no maintenance involved and no additional purchases necessary either.
Keep in mind that you should only have to make this purchase once or twice in an entire lifetime. Make it worth your money when you do make the buy.
6 Best RV Water Pressure Regulator Reviews
Now that we’ve talked about RV water pressure regulators, and what to consider while shopping for one, here’s our list of picks for 6 of the very best RV water pressure regulators currently available online:
1. Camco RV Brass Inline Water Pressure Regulator
Camco’s RV Brass Inline Water Pressure Regulator is our second choice for the best water pressure regular for RVs. This particular unit is about as basic (and reliable) as they come.
It consists of high-end brass construction with CSA low-lead certification. The unit has 3/4-inch connector threads and regulates RV plumbing to a PSI of 40 to 50.
Compared to other items on our list, this one is extremely affordable. That said, it also doesn’t work with PSI over 50 and does not include a gauge or adjustment screw.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch threads
- Longlasting brass construction
- Protects RV plumbing
- Regulates 40-50 PSI
- CSA low lead certified product
- Inexpensive compared to other products
⛔️ Cons
- Lower maximum pressure (50 PSI) than some rigs may require
- No gauge included
2. Renator Water Pressure Regulator Valve for RV
Number two on our list is the Renator Water Pressure Regulator Valve for RV. An adjustable unit (via screwdriver) that comes with an easy-to-read instruction guide, this 3/4-inch standard connector water pressure regulator valve for RVs is a real bargain.
A 0 to 160 PSI gauge, lead-free (with NSF requirements met) construction and an easy to turn screw for adjusting water-flow pressure are the most significant features of this regulator.
For those seeking out a longlasting RV water pressure regulator valve with all the bells and whistles that won’t need replacing for years to come, this one might be the one for you.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch connector
- Adjustable via screw
- 0-160 PSI gauge
- Instruction guide included
- Lead-free brass (NSF requirements)
⛔️ Cons
- More expensive than many comparable models
- Higher max PSI than many rigs require
3. Valterra Brass High Flow Water Regulator
The Valterra Brass High Flow Water Regulator is next up on our list of great RV water pressure regulators to consider investing in this year.
Another basic yet heavy-duty and dependable regulator, this unit features standard 3/4-inch connector threads and durable brass design with rust and water resistance.
Installing this simple piece onto your RVs currently existing plumbing system will protect your pipes by keeping your water-flow well-regulated.
This particular regulator is geared towards 50 to 55 PSI. IT is not recommended for rigs that require lower than 50 or higher than 55.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch connector threads
- Regulates 50-55 PSI through your RV
- Durable rust-resistant brass construction
- Protects your RV’s plumbing
⛔️ Cons
- Very basic regulator model (does not adjust)
- Is not the best choice for older model RVs (they may need higher PSI)
4. Camco Adjustable Brass Water Pressure Regulator for RVs
Camco’s Adjustable Brass Water Pressure Regulator for RVs is our fourth selection. Another CSA certified low-lead brass-designed water pressure regulator for RVs with a standard 3/4-inch threaded connector, all it takes is a screwdriver to adjust the pressure.
The unit is designed to protect your pipes by regulating water pressures to approximately 60 PSI. It is a great piece for newer rigs, but not so great for older rigs that normally require a higher water pressure.
This unit is far from basic and is made from high-quality materials. That said, the price may reflect those factors. In other words, if you need a simple unit, this may not be your best choice.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch connector
- CSA certified low-lead brass construction
- Regulates water pressure to 60 PSI
- Adjustable with a screwdriver
- Adds protection to pipes
⛔️ Cons
- Is not for older RVers that need over 60 PSI
- Has more than a basic RV water pressure regulator (gauge, adjustability, and more)
5. Valterra Adjustable Water Regulator for RV
The Valterra Adjustable Water Regulator for RVs is another great RV water pressure regulator available online. It is easy to install, use, and adjust.
The regulator features a standard fitting 3/4-inch threaded connector of a longlasting and simple lead-free brass design. It also has a built-in gauge for monitoring your RVs’ active water pressure.
The unit comes highly recommended for doing a good job. However, it doesn’t really have much going for it in regards to any competitive edges and it comes with a hefty price.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch rust-resistant connector
- Durable and lead-free brass design
- Gauge built-in for reading water pressure
- Easy to install and use
- Does a great job of regulating RV water-flow
⛔️ Cons
- Costly for a water pressure regulator with gauge for RVs
- Doesn’t offer much that competitors aren’t offering as well
6. MICTUNING RV Water Pressure Regulator Valve
MICTUNING’s RV Water Pressure Regulator Valve is one of the last items on our list. It is, however, no less promising than higher ranking products.
Featuring a 3/4-inch standard connector, stainless steel gauge (with 0 to 160 PSI reading), and adjustable screw, the unit is pretty much everything you could need or want in a regulator valve.
The unit is designed with lead-free (NSA requirements met) materials. But, it may not be as resistant (in general) or heavy-duty as other regulators featured on our list.
✅ Pros
- 3/4-inch thread connector
- lead-free design (NSA req met)
- Stainless steel gauge for reading water-flow
- 0-160 PSI capability
- The valve spool is removable
- Adjustable by screwdriver
⛔️ Cons
- Not as heavy-duty as many competitors products
- Not as resistant as some competitor products either
Selecting the Best RV Water Pressure Regulator For You
Depending on your rig, and your own preferences, the best RV water pressure regulator will vary. Our top pick is the Camco Adjustable Brass Water Pressure Regulator for RVs. It comes with everything you need to regulate, monitor, and adjust your RVs’ water-pressure.
Our runner-up for the best RV water pressure regulator is Camco’s RV Brass Inline Water Pressure Regulator. It is far from glamorous, however, extremely efficient. There is no gauge and no adjustment screw.
At any rate, we feel that both of these units do exactly as they are advertised to do, and come highly recommended because of it. They are also produced by reputable manufacturers, so they have that going for them as well.
Do you know about a great RV water pressure regulator that you’d like to let our audience know about? We’d love for you to share all about it in the comments box below!