5 Must-Have RV Road Trip Essentials

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We all love going on RV road trips to explore new areas and meet new people. However, there are a few RV Road trip Essential Items you need to ensure that you are comfortable as you do so.

Must-Have Essentials for an RV Road Trip

Portable Water Hose

You have to ensure that you always have a supply of clean and high-quality water in your RV for drinking and even cooking. However, not all hoses are created the same, and some could add some taste or smell to your water.

Go for a portable hose suited specifically for drinking water such that it will not add any smell or taste to your water. The hose also has a mechanism that allows you to connect one of its ends to the other when you are not using it to ensure that no dirt or insects get into it.

Water Filter

Big Berkey Water Filter

Even if you use a drinking water hose, there are chances that the water may still contain some bacteria and impurities that you cannot see. That’s why you need to connect a water filter to your water supply.

To get the best quality water, you have to get the best water filters like Big Berkey Water Filters. They are made to meet your specific needs depending on your water supply and how many will be using it.

They eliminate bacteria, fluoride, viruses, chlorine, heavy metals, parasites, chloramines, pharmaceuticals, radiological, pesticides, herbicides, petroleum contaminants, etc. They ensure that you quench your thirst with the best water without any chances of getting contaminations.


Sometimes you might get to a camping site that has a lot of uneven ground. Leveling your RV will not only ensure that you sleep and operate comfortably, but it will also ensure that your supplies in the RV remain steady and nothing falls over.

If you run your refrigerator while on uneven ground, your fridge will not work properly and your food won’t stay cold, which is more reason for you to always have levelers with you on an RV road trip.

Sewer Hose and Supports

Sewer hose support for an RV

It is only practical that you will have to empty your RV sewer tanks to avoid any unpleasant smells and leakages on transit. To do that, you need the best quality and strongest sewer hose.

You should have one that is about 15-20 feet long, just because some sewer connections can be far from your camping site. You also need connectors and supports to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

RV Toilet Chemicals

One of the biggest things that could make your RV trip uncomfortable is bad odors generating from your RV toilet. Having toilet chemicals helps you fight all those bad smells and also helps break down waste in your RV waste tank.

That not only makes the drive comfortable, but it also makes it easier for you to transfer your waste to a sewer when you connect the sewer hose.

What Should I Pack for an RV Road Trip?

When going for an RV road trip, you always want to have enough things to ensure comfort, but sometimes it may be hard to decide what you need and what you don’t. This is a list that will help you pack for your next RV trip.


This is one of the most important things you should never leave behind. Remember that you better have more food than less because you never know where you will pack for the night and how far or close the shops will be to you.

Bring cooked, frozen, fresh, and even packed food with you. Do not forget to throw in some fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet. However, majoring in proteins and energy giving foods that will not only give you the strength and warmth you need but also keep you feeling fuller for longer.

You should also bring enough beverages for you and anyone else who will be with you on the trip. Bring water, juice, soda, and even energy drinks.


Nothing is more inconveniencing than being in the jungle with no way to communicate with people at home or outside your location. Some of the key electronics include;

Wi-Fi router- This will keep you connected to the internet no matter where you are.

Adapters, chargers, and extra batteries- Bring along These gadgets for your phone, laptops, cameras, and tablets to ensure you can communicate with people anytime.

Walkie-talkies- These help you communicate with your friends on the trip in case you get separated to ensure nobody gets lost. They may also help you call for help in case anything happens on your trip.

Extra Clothes

Nobody ever knows the weather of the destination you will stop over, which is why you need to pack extra warm clothes. You may also need them to change and remain fresh. Always throw in a bathing suit because you might come across a waterfall or lake where you can swim.


It is important to always have your documents like passports, ID, and driver’s license in case of anything. You also need to have your RV manual and maintenance history in case it runs into a problem.

Personal Effects

These include toothbrushes, soap, shaving gadgets, shampoo, lotion, RV toilet paper, and deodorant. Those ensure that you remain clean, fresh, and comfortable throughout the whole trip.

Camping and Outdoor Gear

When you plan for a road trip, you are sure that you will stop at a campsite where you will spend the night and maybe even a few days. Some of the things you should bring for this include;

• Camping chairs and a folding table.

• Hammock.

• Fishing equipment like fishing rods, fishing licenses, and tackles.

• Sports equipment like balls.

• Bikes and safety gear.

• Portable fire pit.

• Sleeping bags.

• Camping pads.

Kitchen Items

On a road trip, you need to have items you will use to cook and eat. However, you should only bring the necessary ones to avoid overpacking and consuming a lot of space with unnecessary things. Some of the essential kitchen items include;

• Cooking pots.

• Cooking and eating spoons.

• Mugs.

• Plates.

• Bottle openers.

• Tongs.

• Spatula.

Ensure that none of these items are fragile because they would easily break due to the movement of the van. The best way to eat and save space is using plastic plates because they are small and don’t need a secluded area.

You should also bring along dishwashing soap and plastics to keep the kitchen area and utensils clean. For food storage, bring the basics like reusable containers, plastic wraps, and aluminum foils.

If you plan on outdoor cooking, some of the things you need to bring include;

• Dutch oven.

• Camp stove, electric skillet, or griddle.

• Cast-iron skillet.

• Skewers.

What Should You Not Bring In An RV?

One of the biggest limitations of having an RV is that you have limited space, which limits the number of things you can bring. You have to pack only the things you need so that you are left with enough space to do other things like cook, eat and shower.

You should avoid carrying things that you will not need or those that you can get from stores around where you are going. Some of them include;

• Firewood.

• Excess and unnecessary kitchen items like instant pots and countertop ice makers.

• Too many clothes. Only carry the necessary ones.

What Does Every RV Owner Need?

While there are important things you should pack from home on your RV trip, there are some things that you should always have on your RV no matter where you are going. Some of these include;

Surge Protector

Surge protectors keep your RV safe from under and over-voltage by shutting off the power automatically to save the RV electrical system. They alert you when there are problems and turn off its current, even when you are not there.

Fire Extinguisher

Fires start anywhere, and accidents could happen to you that may start a fire in your RV or at your campsite. Having a fire extinguisher helps control the fire before anyone gets hurt.

Roadside Emergency Kit

Nobody knows what might happen when you are out on your road trip, and it is always better to be safe. You need to have an emergency kit that includes warning triangles and a first aid kit. Those help you get help if your RV breaks down and if you or anyone else on the RV gets hurt.

Some other things you should have in your emergency kit include a flashlight, pocket knife, whistle, reflective safety vest, and jumper cables.


This helps you conduct maintenance on your RV while on the road and also do any necessary repairs. Some of the things you need include car jacks, screwdrivers, spanners, tire pressure gauges, duct tape, and hammers.


It’s important to always have a power backup in your RV so that you can always have 

your gadgets charged and also have enough light. Bringing a portable generator is the most convenient and eco-friendly way to do that.

However, before taking it in your RV, test it first to determine if it’s in the right condition.


Getting on the wrong track while on your road trip is a possibility, and a GPS helps you locate where you are and helps you find your way back on the right track. However, sometimes GPS may fail, and for that, you also need to have a backup map.

RV Mattress

Some RVs come with mattresses, but some don’t. Also, the mattresses in the RVs are not normally the most comfortable ones, and you might need to boost it with a mattress topper or replace it with a new mattress.

Whichever the case, you need to always have a comfortable mattress in your RV for a comfortable night’s sleep.

Water Pressure Regulator

This gadget regulates the water pressure as it gets in via the freshwater hose to ensure that no damage happens to your RV.

Collapsible Ladder

These help you get on top of your RV in case you have to check something or clear something off. It also helps you get things that may be high in the RV where you can’t normally reach, ensuring that you do not fall and damage anything. It also takes up very little space.

Air Compressor

Having a portable tankless air compressor in your RV may help you in jobs like topping off your spare tire in case of a roadside emergency or filling up your bicycle tires.

How Do I Prepare For My First RV Trip?

Before going on your first RV road trip, you may be confused about how to best prepare for it. Some of the things you need to do include;

Identify Your Route

Knowing which path you will follow on your RV road trip helps you avoid a lot of mistakes and accidents. It also helps you feel comfortable as you drive. It helps you choose a route with a lot of RV packing spaces or cool camping sites.

You also get to identify the bridges on those routes and determine if they are the right height for your RV.

Have a Checklist

Write down everything you need on the trip and mark them each one off after getting it. It helps you get everything you need.

Know Your Tank Sizes

Know how much water your tanks can hold and how long it can last you. To be on the safe side, bring portable tanks full of water.

What Food Should I Pack For An RV Road Trip?

On your trip, you need food to keep you strong, but you also need foods you can enjoy. Some of the foods you can bring include;

• Cereal.

• Milk.

• Fruits and vegetables.

• Yogurt.

• Oatmeal.

• Sausages.

• Beef and poultry.

• Hotdogs.

• Cheese.

• Bread.

• Peanut butter.

Is RV Toilet Paper Necessary?

Toilet paper is one thing you must have on your RV. However, you should know that your sewage system on your RV is delicate, which is why you need RV toilet paper. Regular toilet paper needs a lot of water to flush down, which will be a wastage of your limited resources.

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